
A---B---C---D---E---F---G---H---I---J---K---L---M---N---O---P---Q---R ---S---T---U---V---W---X---Y---Z -- HOME

Cade = A short form of Cadell.
Cadell = Battler. Of martial spirit.
Cadman = Warrior.
Cadmus = Man of the east.
Caeden = Spirit of war. Warring Ethos.
Caelan = A form of Nicholas.
Cailean = Young Wolf.
Cainan = Decendent of adam. Spear.
Calder = Brook. Cool clear spring.
Caldwell = Cold stream.
Caleb = Heart. Messenger.Dog.Bold.Staunch
Calhoun = From the narrow woods
Calton = Coal Town
Calvert = Herdsman
Calvin = Bald one.
Camden = Feom the winding valley
Cameron = Crooked nose.Awesome. Energetic. Excited. Bent nose. Name of a country/place. crooked stream
Cameroon = Name of a country/place, crooked stream, crooked nose
Campbell = Wry mouth
Canute = Knot
Cardew = From the black fort
Carew = From the fortress
Carey = From the castle
Carl = Manly. One having pride and strength. Charles
Carlin = Little champion
Carlisle = Of the walled city
Carlo = Manly
Carlos = Strong and manly
Carlton = Carl's Town
Carmichael = Of Michael's stronghold
Carney = Warrior
Carr = Marsh dweller
Carrick = Of the rocky headlands
Caris = Love and Peace
Carroll = Champion
Carson = Marsh dweller's son
Carswell = Dweller at the water-cress spring
Carter = Cart driver
Carvell = From the estate in the marshes
Carver = Woodcarver
Cary = From the castle. Name of a place Pleasant stream
Casey = Valorous. Watchful
Casimir = Herald of peace
Casper = Treasure
Cass = Herald of peace
Cassidy = Ingenious
Cassius = Vain
Caster = One who casts
Castor = Beaver
Cathmor = Great warrior
Cato = Wise
Cauveriranga = Lord Ranganatha
Cavell = Bold
Cayden = Spirit of war
Ceasar = Hairy child. Long-haired
Cecil = Blind
Cedric = Battle chieftain. Gift of splendour
Celeste = Heavenly
Cephas = Rock
Cesar = Long-haired.
Chacen = Huntsman.
Chad = Warlike.
Chadburn = From the wildcat brook. Chadwick = From the warrior's town. Chaim = Life.
Chaitanya = Energy. Vitality.
Chaithra = First month of the year. Chaitya = A buddhist or jain temple. Chakor = A bird.
Chakradhar, Chakrapani = Vishnu wearing Charkra (Wheel)weapon. Chakravak = A bird.
Chakravarthy = King. Emperor. Chakresh = King.Emperor.
Chakshu = Eye.
Chalavanth = A determined person
Chalmers = Son of the overseer
Chalukya = A king. Chaman = Joy.
Chamaraj = A king.
Chamarajendra = A king
Chamatkar =Cleverness.Skill. Wonder
Champak = A fragnant flower
Chanaksha = Chanakya
Chanakya = A clever man. Wordlywise person. Author of 'Arthasastra',Book on Economics and Political science
Chanchal = Unsteady.Moving to and fro.
Chandan = Sandalwood.
Chandira = The moon
Chandler = Candle maker.
Chandra = Moon .
Chandra Chood = One wearing Moon as jewel on his head. Shiva
Chandra Kanth =Moonglow. Moonstone. A kind of crystal. Son of sage Yagnyavalkya.
Chandra Mohan = Beautiful Moon
Chandra Sekhar = One wearing Moon as jewel on his head. Shiva
Chandrabanu = Son of Sri Krishna and Satyabama.
Chandrabh = Moon light.One of the manus in jain mythology.
Chandradev = A king.
Chandradhar = Shiva.
Chandraditya = A king.
Chandrahas = A person with a beautiful smile.
Chandrakiran = A ray of moonlight.
Chandrama = The moon
Chandranath = Moon
Chandraneel = A blue gem.
Chandraprakash = Moon light.
Channakeshav = Vishnu.
Channamallikarjun = Shiva.Akkamhadevi's God.
Channing = Knowing.
Chanrasmey = Brightness from the moon.
Chapin = Chaplain.
Chapman = Merchant.
Chardeshna = Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna.
Charles = A man. Manly.
Charlie = Cutest boy.
Charlton = Farmer's town.
Charuchandra = Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna.
Charuchit = Person with beautiful mind.
Charudehi = Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna.
Charugupta = Son of Rukmini and Sri Krishna.
Charuhas = Person with beautiful smile.
Chase = Hunter. Huntsman.
Chasen = Huntsman.
Chatham = Soldier's land.
Chatrapathy = King.
Chatur = Able.Efficient.Competent.
Chaturanan = One with four faces.Brahma.
Chaturbhuj = Vishnu.One with four hands.
Chaturmukh = One with four faces.Bramha.
Chaturvedi = Who has studied the four Vedas.
Chaturvyuh = One with who personifies in four arrys.Vishnu.
Chatwin = Soldier's friend.
Chaudary = Surname. Chauncey = Chancellor.
Chayank = The Moon
Chayapathi = The Sun.
Chayce = Huntsman.
Chaz = Form of Charles.
Cheluva = Handsome.
Chemdat = beloved of, desired of
Chen = Great.
Cheney = From the
oak forest.Chester = From the army fort.
Chetan = Mind.Athma.Soul.
Chetananand = Bliss.
Chetas = Mind.Heart.
Chetty = Surname.
Chidamber = Whose heart is as vast as sky.
Chidanand = Supreme happiness. Chidathma = Supreme spirit.The God.
Chidruph = Knowledge.Incarnate.
Chiduku = Little one.
Chilton = From the spring farm.
Chinmay = Pure intellect.One with intelligence and wisdom.
Chinmayananda = Pure happiness.
Chintak = Thinker.One who thinks.
Chintan = Thought.
Chiradeep = Eternal lamp.
Chirag = Lamp
Chiranjeevi = Person blessed with long life
Chirantan = Everlasting.Endless.Ancient
Chitrachap = Rainbow.
Chitrakanth = Pigeon.
Chitraketu = Sri krishna's cousin.Uddhava's brother
Chitraksh = One with beautiful smile.
Chitranad = The Sun.Name of a Gandharva.
Chitrashwa = Another name of Sathyavan
Chitravahan = Father of chitrangade(Arjuna's wife).
Chitravahu = The Sun.Name of a year.
Chitrayudh = A king.
Chittamohan = Person with beautiful mind.Who attracts the mind.
Chittaswaroop = The supreme spirit.
Chittatosh = Happy.
Chittesh = Lord of the mind.
Chittranjan = Who pleases mind. Pleasing.
Chong HWA =Straight Fire (Korean).Beautiful Flower (Chinese).
Chowdary = Surname.
Christian = Follower of Christ.Annointed.
Christion = Strong and Attractive Appearance.
Christopher = Christ-bearer. One who belives
Christ. With Christ inside. Bearing Christ.
Chuck = Manly.
Cian = Ancient.
Cicero = Chickpea.
Citadel = A fortress on a high ground i.e. protecting and dominating.
Clarence = Famous. Brighrt. Name of a place.
Clark = Scholar, Surname.
Claud = Lame.
Clay = Of clay. Surname, Clay-pit worker.
Clayborne = Born of clay.
Clayton = Surname, Name of a place, Clay-pit site. Town at the clay beds.
Clement = Merciful. Kind.
Cleon = Famous.
Cletus = Summoned.
Cleveland = Cliff land.
Cliff = Cliff.
Clifford = Name of a place, Near a slope. River crossing at the cliff.
Clifton = Town by the cliff. From the hill farm.Clinton = Name of a place, Surname, Near a hill.
Clive = From the cliff.
Clodagh = Sparkling Star.
Clyde = Heard from a far.
Cody = Helpful.
Colbert = Brilliant seafarer.
Colby = Dark. Dark haired. From the dark farm.
Cole = Dovekeeper.
Coleman = Dove, Peace. Dovekeeper. Colin = Child.
Collier = Miner.
Collin = Dove, Youth.
Colston = Name of a place, Surname
Colton = From the dark town
Columbus =From the Italian explorer.
Conan = Intelligent.
Condon = Dark. Wise one.
Conlan = Hero.
Connar = Wise. Praised.
Conner = High desire.
Conrad = Wise counselor.
Conroy = Wise one.
Constantine = Firm. Constant
Conway = Hound of the plain
Cooper = Barrel maker.
Copper = Surname.
Corban = Gift for God.
Corbett = Black hair. Raven.
Corbin = Raven-haired.
Corcoran = Of ruddy complexion.
Cordero = Lamb. Lamb of god.
Cormac = Champion.
Cornell = Horn-coloured.
Cort = Wise counsellor.
Corwin = Raven.
Cory = Surname.
Corydon = Lark.
Courtland = Of the court's land.
Courtney = Of the court.
 Cowan = Of the hillside hollow.
 Craig = From the crag.
 Crandall = From the valley of cranes.
 Cranley = From the crane's meadow.
Cranston = Of the crane's town.
 Crawford = From the crow ford.
 Creighton = From the creek town.
 Crispin = Curly-haired.
 Crispus = Given name of Crispus Attucks, black hero of the American Revolution. Crofton = From the fenced farm.
 Crompton = From the crooked farm.
 Cromwell = From the winding spring.
Crosby = Dweller near the cross.
 Cross road.
 Culbert = Brilliant seafarer.
 Cullen = Handsome.
 Culver = Dove.
 Curran = Champion. Hero.
 Curt = Courteous.
 Cuthbert = Famous. Brilliant.
 Cutler = Knifemaker.
 Cyncere = Dedicated acheiver.
 Cyndal = The moon.
 Cyprian = Man of
 Cyril = Lordly. From God.
 Caitlin = Pure. Variant of Katherine.
 Caitrin = Form of Catherine.
Caledonia = The old latin name for Scotland.
 Calida = Warm and loving.
 Calina = Warm & Loving.
 Calista = Most beautiful.
 Calla = From the African plant, the calla lily.
 Callum = Dove.
 Calvina = Feminine of Calvin.
Cambria = The latin name for Wales.
 Cameo = A carved gem. Camilla = Attendant on the Gods.
 Camille = Free-born. Noble.Young ceremonial attendant.
 Cammie = A short form of Camille.
 Camryn = Crooked nose.Awesome. Energetic. Excited. Bent nose. Name of a country/place. crooked stream.
Canada = After the commonwealth of
 Candida = Pure. Bright. Canace = Child of the wind.
 Canadace = Pure glowing. An ancient hereditary title used by the Ethiopian queens (like Caeser used by Roman emperors).
 Candice = An ancient hereditary title used by the Ethiopian queens
 Candida = Pure. Bright.
Capri = For a child born under the sign of Capricorn. For the island near the Bay of Naples.
 Cara = Beloved.
 Carensa = Love.
 Cariluna = Mix of Carina + Luna.
 Carita = Charitable.
 Carla = Fem form of Carl. Feminine of Charles.
 Carletta = Strong & Womanly.
 Carley = Feminine form of Charles.
 Carlota = Petite or feminine.
Carmel = God's vineyard.
 Carmem = Garden.
 Carol = Feminine form of Carl.Form of Carolyne. Joyous song.
 Caroline = Feminine of Charles.
 Carolyne = Feminine form of Charles.
 Carrie = Little and womanly.
Carys = Love.
 Caryn = Pure.
 Caryus = To Love.
 Casey = Courageous.Valorous. Watchful
 Cass = Herald of Peace.
 Cassandra = Helper of men. The Trojan prophetess. Unheeded prophetess.
 Cassaundra = A prophetess for humankind.
Cassie = Star Light. Star Bright.
 Casta = Pious.
 Catherine = Pure.
 Catlina = Pure.
 Catalina = Pure.
 Catriona = Pure.
 Cecilia = Blind.
 Cecily = Love and Happy. Blind.
 Celeste = Celestrial, Heavenly.
 Celia = Blind.
 Celina = Moon.
 Ceres = The Roman Goddess of the harvest. Cerise = Cherry.
 Cerys = To love.
 Chanchala = Unsteady. Goddess Lakshmi. Very active.
 Chanda = One of the names assumed by Sakti, "the great Goddess".
 Chandana = SandalWood.
 Chandini = Moon Light.
 Chaandini = Moonlight.
 Chandra = Moon
 Chandramathi = Name of Harischandra's wife.
 Chandrika = Moonlight.
 Chanel = Name of a famour perfume. Chanmundeswari = Durga.
 Chantal = Stony place, Name of a place.
 Chantelle = Song.
 Charissa = Grace. Kindness.
 Charity = Esteem.
 Charlene = Strong. Womanly.
 Charlese = Princess.
Charlotte = Feminine of Charles.
 Charmaine = Little song.
 Charu = Beautiful.
 Charukeshi = One with beautiful hair.
 Charulata = Beautiful creeper.
 Charumathi = One with beautiful mind.
 Charunetra = One with beautiful eyes. Chausiku = Born at night.
 Chava = Life-giving.
 Chaya = Feminine of Chaim. Shadow. Surya's wife.
 Chellryn = Earth Witch.
Chelsea = For the place name in London or NewYork. Landing on river, Name of a place.
 Chelsi = Name of a place.
 Chenoa = White dove.
Cher = Beloved, Dear.
 Cherie = Dear one.
 Cheryl = Feminine of Charles.
Cheyenne = A tribal name.
 Chetana = Energy. Consciousness. Chintamani = A gem which is believed to give whatever asked.
 Chiquitta = Little one.
 Chirdrupi = Various forms. One of the names from Lalitha Sahasranamam.
 Chitra = Painting. Picture.
 Chitrakala = Arts of Eternal Knowledge.
 Chitralekha = Beautiful picture. Friend of Urvashi. Friend of Usha.
 Chloe = Fertile. Young maiden. Goddess of agriculture. Blooming. Young green shoot.
 Chloie = Variant of Chloe.
 Chloris = The Goddess of flowers.
 Choodamani = Jewel worn on head
 Christabelle = Beautiful Christian. Christina = Follower of Christ.Annointed.
 Christinna = Follower of Christ.Annointed.
 Christean = Feminine form of christian.
 Christine = Feminine of Christian.
 Ciana = Feminine form of John.
 Ciara = Dark.
 Cicely = From a Roman clan name.
 Cierra = Black.
 Cindrella = From the fairy tale. Clair,Clare = Bright. Shining.
 Claire = Clear, Bright, Brilliant.
 Clara = Bright. Shining.
 Clarabelle = Bright and Beautiful.
 Clare = Clear. Shinning.
 Clareta = Clear, Bright, Brilliant.
 Clarissa = Made famous.
 Claudia = Feminine of Claudius. Lame.
 Clelia = A legendary Roman heroine. Clematia = Vine.
 Clementine = Feminine of Clement. Cleopatra = Of a famous father.
 Clorinda = A name coined by the Italian poet Tasso.
 Clothilda =
Battle maid.
 Clover = From the flower clover.
 Clytie = Splendid.
Cody = Helpful.
 Colette = Victorious.
 Colleen = Girl. Maiden.
 Columba = Dove.
 Comfort = Aid.Comfort.
 Conception = Beginning.
 Concordia = Harmony.
 Connie = A familar form of
 Consolata = Consolation.
Constance = Constancy. Firmness.
 Consuela = Consolation.
 Cora = Maiden.
 Corabelle = Beautiful Maiden.
 Coral = Sea coral.
 Cordelia = Jewel of the sea.
 Coretta = Maiden.
 Corin = Lion.
 Corinne = Maiden.
 Corinthia = From the Greek city of
 Corliss = Good-natured.
 Cornelia = Feminine of Cornelius. Corryn = Lion.
 Cosima = Feminine of Cosmo.
 Courtney = Courtly. Courteous. Peaceful.Mischievous. Name of a place.Surname.
 Cressida = Golden.
 Crispina = Feminine of Crispin.
 Crysella = Dark beauty.
Crystal = Brilliant. Pure. Ice. Bright.
 Curyn = Lion.
 Cy = Baby girl.
 Cynara = Perhaps from the Aegean
island of Zinara.
 Cynthia = A greek God. The Goddess of the Moon.
 Cypria = From the
island of Cyprus.
 Cyra = Feminine of Cyrus.
 Cyrena = The water nymph.
 Cyril = From god.
 Cyrilla = Feminine of Cyril.
 Cytherea = A title assigned to Venus from the
island of Cythera,

